Consulting Services

Marketing Plan

You are now ready to think digital and get an insight into your target customers’ needs, buying behaviour and habits

BY Digital Marketing Partners admires the art and science of marketing. Our passion is to evaluate, create and implement cross-functional decisions to achieve your business objectives with bespoke strategies.

Whether you are in the new establishment phase, a giant company or a medium-sized family business, we can create all strategic steps you need for your annual, 3 years and 5 years marketing plan. This enables you to have sustainable organic growth. We use a vast array of tools including advanced analytics, neuroscience technology, observational studies, focus groups and self-reports. We monitor your marketing activities and implementation of the marketing plan in your business during the year and update your marketing plan and tactics.

  • Understand your core values, products, services, activities
  • Analysis of current market
  • Analysis of customer needs and purchasing behaviors
  • Trend Analysis
  • Competition Analysis
  • Market Share Analysis
  • Targeting marketing segments
  • Positioning of services or products
  • Pricing strategy
  • Production planning
  • Setting sales targets
  • Campaign management
  • Growth strategy
  • Decision of sales channels
  • Decision of marketing budget
  • ROI analysis
  • Communication strategy
  • Digital business strategy
  • Event management strategy
  • Corporate social responsibility projects
  • Decision of promotional tools and materials

Please note that even a single colour can act as a very impactful cue and we have a great scientific power to better understand what your clients have in their MIND.

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